I was born in Rome and obtained my Master’s degree in Physics at Sapienza Universita di Roma under the supervision of prof. F. Sciortino. After my Master’s degree, I obtained an 8-month Junior Research Fellowship with prof. Sciortino to investigate the structural properties of water under supercooled conditions (continuing the work of my Master’s thesis).
In September 2021, I started my PhD studies at ETH Zurich, in the lab of prof. R. Stocker, in the field of microbial biophysics. I currently work on developing experimental tools for long-term cell tracking and theoretical/numerical models to understand how bacterial chemotaxis affects bacteria-phytoplankton interactions in marine environments.
In this website, I want to collect results from my scientific explorations, ideas, notes and maybe tutorials. Some of this content might be related to what I do in my daily work, some other might not.
Passionate for Physics, Programming (Julia), Music, Reading, Dinosaurs and Dungeons & Dragons.